The day before the presentation

Today is the 14th of October of 2020. Another day in our exploring trip of knowledge!

We began the class watching a video of CLT, and here it is my analysis of the video:

The teacher's role is active, he is guiding the activity by the repetition of sentences structures. To help it, he is supported by flashcards what makes it more dynamic and joyful and motivates the students to participate, so their's role is also active. We can see at the beginning of the video that the teacher has already explained before the vocabulary they are going to use.

The teacher is encharged of correcting the children's repetitions (grammar and pronunciation) and force the students to talk. It is so, not focused on communication but repetition (reinforcement). Even though, they are communicating with each other. 

The principles that reign in this method (although, he is not using a single method) are:

- The importance of speaking and communication.

- Use of materials (flashcards, realia of food).

- The ball, is used is to give the turn or opportunity to each student to talk. This is called classroom management.

- He keeps the rhythm to maintain the student's attention always focused on the activity.

Later on, we began Unit 3, Community Language Teaching (CLT). To start by intuition, we had to associate these seven statements to 4 different competencies to finish the class: 

  • GRAMMAR COMPETENCE: Which includes knowledge of the lexicon, syntax, and semantics (mastery of language codes).

  • SOCIOLINGUISTIC COMPETENCE: Concerned with the appropriateness of communication depending on the context including the participants and the rules for interaction. 

  • STRATEGIC COMPETENCE: A set of strategies devised for effective communication and put into use when communication breaks down (grammatical and sociolinguistic strategies). 

  • DISCOURSE COMPETENCE: Which is concerned with the cohesion and coherence of utterances/sentences. 

These are the 7 statements:

  1. To be able to take risks when using language: Sociolinguistic, grammar, and strategic competence.
  2. To take longer turns, open and close conversation: Discourse, strategic and sociolinguistic competence.
  3. To build a range of vocabulary: Grammar competence
  4. To learn the scale of formality: Discourse and sociolinguistic competence.
  5. To achieve accuracy in syntax and word formation: Grammar and discourse competence.
  6. To use stress, rhythm, and intonation to express meaning: Sociolinguistic and grammar competence.
  7. To use stress, rhythm, and intonation to express attitude and emotion: Discourse and sociolinguistic competence.

See you soon!


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