First steps of the search for my philosophy of teaching...

 Today is the 21st of September, sadly the last day of summer. And that it is remarkable because, after a week of cloudy and rainy days today has raised a beautiful sun to bring us a wonderful week. 

So, with this panorama, we have started our English Teaching Education class. We began with a little chat to refresh what we learned last week with some simple questions:

  • What have you learned so far in this course? 

I have learned the difference between a foreign language and a second language (and these conceptions change my way of teaching it). Also, some important keys to improving my future classes like using more visuals to support my explanations and improve the acquirement process of learning for the students. In addition, using games to complement language expression. Definitely, using a variety of resources that can be adapted to every learning process.

  • What do you remember from last week? 

In key words, resources, bilingualism, second and foreign language.

  • What can you apply from the course contents and methodology to your current or future teaching career? 

So far, in my particular classes, I will use more visuals, some books, and games to work on expressions, grammar, and vocabulary. Also, I will use our methodology of interacting with the students by asking questions about his/her personal life to create and share living experiences from both and make a comfortable environment in the class where the student can feel the protagonist of the lesson.

  • What would you need to be successful in this course and become an efficient English Language teacher in the near future? 

I truly think I need to keep learning all the skills and keys we are seeing and discovering in class. So far, I have noticed a need of having more resources to adapt my class to every single learning process of my future students.

After sharing some opinions and answers to these questions, we continue by listening to some of the stories from one of the last task: How do you imagine yourself as a future teacher? I felt so excited to share mine in the live class, so I read it, and here I share with you: *insert audio

Do you think I will achieve my dream? I truly think so, and I am so excited to see how I grow and become this beautiful version of myself as a teacher. 

But to achieve that I have to continue learning, so I will keep writing what I have learned today...

I have some random ideas that caught my attention in this class. First, we are going to teach with the support of an assistant, which means we need to provide the students with a base of fundamental skills and contents of the English Language. That doesn't mean we can not use visuals, create dynamics where they can play while using the language... but it is important to give them some tools to be independent at some point in the language.

Also, it is a key idea for structure our class and methodology, to have in mind which age are we teaching. Because, in primary education, we have a large range of ages and, in consequence, a large range of types of receiving information. From the ages of 6 to 9, their natural brain process of receive information is abstract. Instead, children between 10 to 11 are prepared to receive specific information. That is a clue of how we can teach the contents in the best way to them to acquire. 

Once we had these ideas in mind working on a second plane, we started to see the Theories of first language acquisition. Here we have three main theories that are represented by the three most important children developing authors:

  • Nativist or Innatist: This one is backed by Noam Chomsky, one of the greatest authors about the language the world has ever had. In summary, this theory says that we are all born with a natural system that gives us the ability to communicate (the language).
  • Behavioral or Learning: Backed by Skinner, it is based on the theory of stimulus and response. Children learn the language through reinforcement, it is to say that children always have an impulse (stimulus) that creates the need for response, and for that, the language via is activated for covering that need. 
  • Interactionist: This one is supported by Vygotsky. The theory says that humans learn communication because they need to communicate with others just to live in society. There is no way to contemplate a world where humans can not be related to others, so there is a need to communicate to be integrated into the community that surrounds you.

With this great topic, we have finished the class, so I can not wait until tomorrow to continue working on this interesting topic. See you tomorrow!


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